Help Wanted: Generalists, Unicorns…


the dos and dont’s of hiring sign designers

Jeff Wooten, Editor of the trade publication Sign Builder Illustrated, reached out to our CD, Russell Toynes and asked if he would write an article about hiring designers. This is the original write up Russell submitted. Linked here is the edited version that ran in the April edition of Sign Builder Illustrated.

Unarguably, good work leads to more good work. The same goes for “bad” or “cheap”. Whether you own a small sign shop or lead a giant fabrication facility, the work you put out will determine the work that comes in. At Studio Dzo our modus operandi, “Do Good Work”, is reflected in our brand-elevating design and amazing service. Over the last 15 years as a Designer, Art Director, Creative Director, Owner, and Design Professor, I’ve worked with, trained, hired, and fired designers at every level. I’ve learned a lot from the great hires but even more from the bad. So how does a sign shop find and hire great designers? Is there a school somewhere cranking out “Sign Design” graduates or a certification that guarantees they know how to design monuments and pylons? Nope. But there are a few Dos and Don’ts you should keep in mind when you’re ready to hire a designer.

Do: Make it easy

You aren’t the CIA, so there’s no need for you to make it difficult for anyone hoping to work for you to learn about who you are, what you do, or what compensation you’re offering. Write a clear and comprehensive, but concise description of the role and its day-to-day responsibilities, along with the salary range and any benefits you are offering. Job seekers today want more than a paycheck. I’m not talking about healthy snacks in the breakroom or video games in the lobby. Skilled candidates want to know that the place they are applying to has values and integrity. Your company’s values and purpose should be easy to find on your website. It should show examples of the work you’ve completed and the members of your staff. It amazes me how many successful sign shops have severely outdated or permanently “under construction” websites or rely on social media sites to market themselves. Don’t require applicants to complete forms, submit lengthy cover letters, or share professional references. You’ll find the strongest talent when you simply ask for a link to their design portfolio. If they don’t have a portfolio, don’t waste your time interviewing them. If you want to dial it up a notch, you can also ask them to submit their resume. But remember the road to sign design is an unconventional one, so don’t expect a 4-year degree and 10 years of sign design experience. When you make the application process easy, you make it easy for everyone, especially yourself. 

Communication is essential to design. But for some designers, it doesn’t always translate to business operations.

Do: Gravitate towards “Generalists”

It might be tempting to focus on hiring someone who is a wizard with a particular software like Sketchup or AutoCAD. Adding a “Specialist” might seem like a good idea based on the work you have coming in, but what happens when the work changes or you need someone to help out when you're flooded with new projects? When you narrow your focus you lose sight of the big picture. Specialists tend to be weak in more areas than they are great. You might soon find yourself trying to find work for them to do because you can’t assign the work you have. Instead, gravitate toward design generalists. Look for someone who has a good portfolio with a breadth of work that shows a strong sense of design fundamentals; concept, composition, color, and typography. Someone with a wide range of design work is likely to have seen enough to quickly and easily grasp the specifics of sign design and fabrication. When you need to shift with new projects or design trends, a solid all-around designer will prove to be the valued asset you can count on. You can always contract a freelance specialist for those special one-off projects.

Do: Sweat the small stuff

Over the years I have found that it’s the small stuff like soft skills, that makes a good designer a great hire. We all want a candidate that maxes out the talent, work ethic, and personality skill charts. The reality is, some skills can be learned, and others people just possess. Three soft skills I focus on are; the ability to follow instructions, communication, and punctuality. The ability to follow instructions is a simple skill that reveals itself quickly in the hiring process. Even with very simple application instructions like, “Submit your resume and a link to your design portfolio”, I’ve received numerous responses with no resume, photo attachments, links to Instagram accounts, or asking how to apply. Did you even read the job post? Communication is essential to design. But for some designers, it doesn’t always translate to business operations. If, when, and how someone replies to your emails will give you a good idea of how they are to work with. Punctuality, or the lack of it, shows whether someone respects and values time. Signs projects have deadlines and if a candidate can’t bother to be punctual during the hiring process don’t expect that to change if you bring them on.

Don’t: Equate "being a designer" to "knowing software"

Each sign project comes with a series of challenges that require thoughtful and intentional design solutions. Designers are not “pixel pushers”. They are problem solvers. If you think you only need someone who knows their way around the design software you’re wasting your time and money. When hiring a designer, you need to know that you are bringing on a strategist, problem-solver, and creative thinker. You have to give them the freedom, time, and capacity to ponder, explore, and develop the great work that you need from them. Unless you’re also a designer, your shop won’t be winning any design awards if your designers are being art directed by you, salespeople, or clients. Your design team and the design process require open and collaborative discussion. Explain the project's challenges and goals and trust that your designers are capable of doing what you pay them to do. If you’re looking to hire someone to bring your ideas to life by being your “pixel pusher”, there are plenty of freelancers that will gladly take the easy money and let you do all the thinking and problem-solving.

Don’t expect a designer to also be a project manager, salesperson, web designer, copywriter, photographer, social media manager, and illustrator.

Dont: Require “Design Skills Tests”

The trend of asking designers to perform a “design skills test” has been around forever. Not only is it insulting, demonstrating a lack of trust and professionalism, but you’re also asking them to do free work. Design is a skilled position requiring education, practice, and experience. Questioning whether or not a candidate can do the work that is showcased in their portfolio only shows your lack of knowledge and experience. Regardless of the level of designer you are needing, skills tests don’t prove anything. If you need to understand how someone works just ask them to share a source file of something they have completed recently. If you don’t know what to look for, ask a designer on your team or any designer you might know to review it. Digging into source files is a simple way to see if someone understands how to build out a production file and how clean their work is. You aren’t requiring them to do any extra work and any designer you would consider hiring should have files ready to share. 

Don’t: Seek a Unicorn

Many design skills and solutions are applicable across multiple industries and can transfer to specific and unique projects. A design generalist can leverage their experience with logo design to develop creative and compliant ADA signage and wayfinding. But keep in mind, you're hiring a designer, not a unicorn. Don’t expect a designer to also be a project manager, salesperson, web designer, copywriter, photographer, social media manager, and illustrator. I hate to ruin your fantasy but unicorns don’t exist. Tossing any and every creative task to your sign designers, won’t bode well for the success of your design team. You'll soon find that these extra duties take away from their ability to do what they were hired to do, building up resentment and frustration, ultimately leading to burnout and turnover. Respect the role and its specific job-related responsibilities. Respect your designers by setting boundaries and allowing them to focus on the job they were hired to do. The work they’ll produce will only get stronger and so will your business.

Hiring is never easy. It takes time away from everything else you have to do as the owner or manager, but it’s necessary if you hope to grow your business. Bringing on a new team member, especially a designer, is exciting and you and your team should embrace the opportunity and the process. Regardless of the number of applicants you do or don’t receive, focus on the quality. Designers know designers and if your business earns the reputation of being a great place to work, much like Studio Dzo, you will find that you will have designers reaching out to you in hopes of joining the ranks. Best of luck and Do Good Work!


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