Keep Climbing


To run a small business during the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 is fucking scary. Studio Dzo has five full-time, salaried team members and one hourly intern. On Monday, March 16th we asked the team to bring home their computers and anything else they needed to work remotely. By the weekend, I started to hear about creative colleagues getting laid off and furloughed. Clients started not responding to invoices. Some explained that payment would be delayed due to loss of funding relating to current events. It didn’t take long for me to start having daily panic attacks. How are we going to survive this? How long until we have to let people go? What about their children, partners, and families that depend on them and ultimately depend on me to keep Studio Dzo anchored during these rocky times?


So today I sit here at my dining room table which now serves as my remote office and ask myself, “What can I do?” “How am I going to continue to do good work?” And, I remember – I am not alone in this. I am surrounded by a network of business leaders, design educators, and all-around grinders. I have a ride-or-die team that is chocked full of talent and creative ideas. And, my greatest asset, a strong-minded, persistent spouse who’s been by my side since day one, leading the team with me, and keeping our goal top of mind. 

I am truly blessed. In every meaning of the word.

Knowing this, I, along with the help of the Studio Dzo team, are extending a proverbial hand to small business owners, freelancers, makers, and hustlers. We want to ask questions, find answers, and, hopefully, provide some support for you all during this time and long after. Just like you, we’re still here.

We will survive thrive.
Keep climbing.

— Russell


What is a COVID-19 loan and how do you get one?