Is Instagram Worth My Time?


The business value of the "Gram"

If you’re anything like us, you’re probably finding yourself on Instagram more than you’d like to admit these days. With some extra time on our hands, it almost feels productive? Like one of the required chores of the day. There are ONE BILLION active monthly users on Instagram, so as a business or entrepreneur, you’ve probably given serious thought to upping your activity as a smart biz move. Over the years, our clients have come to us asking for advice when it comes to swiping and scrolling on the app. Is it worth it? Will it help us make more money? Isn’t Instagram for millennials? We aren’t Instagram influencers over here, but we do know a few things. The good, the not so good. Keep reading if you’re interested. 

To start, it’s helpful to know what Instagram is best for. The answer isn’t direct sales. Although you can promote sales on the app, Instagram shines in building brand awareness. It serves as a visual representation of who you are, what you stand for, and how you look, as a business. It’s a great tool to help grow your audience and virtual network.

The Good

Point of Contact
Having an active Instagram account is something the buying demographic expects from merchants. According to Pew Research in 2018, 40% of US adults between the ages of 30-49 use Instagram. As an indirect, low-commitment way to learn more about you, shoppers can use Instagram to find out more about a business, product, or service they are interested in.

Strengthen Your Brand
Because Instagram is image-based, it’s the perfect tool to show your audience who you are, visually. Use it to give your brand a personality, track record, and voice. Consumers buy products and services from places and people that they like. So, show them who you are! Even if your business is not product-based, it’s the perfect tool to showcase other aspects that make you trustworthy and likable. These can include company culture, ethics, and values.

Start a conversation
Lyfe Marketing states that “engagement with brands on Instagram is 10 times higher than Facebook, 54 times higher than Pinterest, and 84 times higher than Twitter.” Instagram is designed in a way that makes continuing conversation with potential customers simple. Businesses can use the platform to build trust and start conversations. This can be done via Instagram Stories, comments inside of posts, or direct messaging.

Track Engagement
Instagram Business profiles provide metrics that outline the success of your posts and stories. These numbers give the user insight into information about your followers. You can determine who they are, where they are, and what they like. Much like Facebook, Instagram also offers paid advertising, which provides even more data.


The Not-So-Good

Not Everyone Uses Instagram
Of all demographics on Instagram, the 18–24-year-old age group is the largest. And, as we know, buying customers are not necessarily 18-24. Depending on your product/service offerings, you may not be appealing to the right target audience.

All About Pictures
Instagram is image-focused. To explain some photos, though, more copy is needed. Information that may be better conveyed via a newsletter or copy heavy post. Instagram does not offer the real estate needed for some information that you want to convey to your customer base.

Advertising Costs
Most businesses rely on organic reach when using Instagram. To reach a wider audience, you may have to depend on paid advertising. This may be worth it for you, but is usually beneficial when you have a larger audience to speak to.


The Takeaway

At the least, Instagram is an investment of your time. Finding your online voice and producing consistent content takes persistence and dedication. Additionally, depending on your audience and message, Instagram may not be the most advantageous avenue.

On the other hand, Instagram can serve as a virtual handshake in a world that becomes more and more digital by the day. 60 years ago, community was something different. It was your neighbor across the street, your dad’s drinking buddy, your high school class. Community in 2020 is something very different. Those connections that mean something and that last are often made online. Instagram is a great tool for creating those connections, starting those conversations, looking people in their “eyes.” It’s a way to tell people, “Hi. This is who I am. I want to get to know you. I like you. Let’s be friends.” And, people do business with people they like. They want to be friends with people they give money to.

Do you need to get on the ‘gram? Or, become more active on Facebook? Dare we say, TikTok? Follow along with us as we discuss the pros and cons of these social media giants.

If you decide that, “YES, Instagram is for us”, check out their business page for a how-to guide on opening a business account.



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