Austin Ascenders: Bri Jenkins


AWT super fan, Bri Jenkins, talks with us about doing good work, everywhere.

We were major fans of Bri Jenkins before we ever met her.
Almost immediately after the Austin will survive thrive initial launch, she posted this photo the day she got the AWT shirt.

briona jenkins austin will thrive shirt
briona jenkins austin will thrive shirt black lives matter

And, then, on June 7, she marched for #BLM and posted this photo.


We had to know more about this beautiful spirit with an instagram account that radiated love, pride, and style. We reached out and asked if she would join us for virtual coffee chat . We came to find out that she’s really moving, grooving, and spreading love all over the country, but thankfully she agreed to give us a portion of her morning. Keep reading to learn more about Bri Jenkins and all the good she is doing.

Studio Dzo: Where are you from, where did you grow up?

Bri: I grew up in Hamden, a very diverse town in Connecticut. I was originally a Business major, but then I took Accounting and very quickly realized it wasn’t for me. I had taken Sociology as a pre-req and became OBSESSED. That ended up being my major. In college, I played volleyball, I was in student government, I was in student orientation, I was an RA, I worked in our college pub. I just really dove in. My senior year, my internship was at a non-profit that served low-income families by servicing their children in schools, first. We would accompany them from age 0-3 to monitor whether they had any learning disabilities. From that, we built learning plans for them to use both at school and home. That’s how I got into social work.

Wherever I was. happy hour, out with friends, literally anywhere, I took it upon myself to tell everyone about our organization and what we were doing.

Studio Dzo: WOW. And then?

Bri: From there, I went and worked for a number of non-profits. The first was servicing adults and families with developmental disabilities. Then for a school for children with autism. After that, I got hired by an agency that was helping individuals and families that were experiencing homelessness. We had a program called Permanent Supportive Housing. That meant that we would help them get housed at lower rates, assisting them as onsite case managers, and just helping them with any life goals they wanted to cover. We also helped those who were currently homeless apply for food stamps and other provisions so that they could qualify for low-income housing. I started that work and housed all my clients within, like, six months. So, I got transferred to that department, officially. My first year there, I was picked to oversee fundraising for our organization that year. Wherever I was. happy hour, out with friends, literally anywhere, I took it upon myself to tell everyone about our organization and what we were doing. I’d ask them if they wanted to learn more...could they donate baskets? Gift cards? I was really spreading the word. And, that year, they raised the most money they had ever raised. So, the following year, I did it again. I left after my second year for Austin. But, between those two years, it was the most money they had ever made. Every time I visit home, they ask me to come back, but it still snows in Connecticut, sooo…

Dzo: How did you find your way to Austin?

Bri: My best friend from college was getting married in Dallas. And, my childhood friend was living in Austin and begged me to make it a 2-in-1 trip...I was like “There’s nothing for me there. It’s hot. And, it’s Texas.” But, I came anyway. I was here for literally four days and fell in love. I came back from that trip and gave my job a 6 month notice. I visited in August of 2015 and I moved here Memorial Day weekend of 2016. I’ve been here ever since.

Dzo: Did you continue your non-profit work here in Austin?

Bri: Yes. I worked for Foundation Communities, which focuses on affordable housing here in Austin. I went to work at United Way, fundraising. Afterward, I went to work for OutYouth. They’re a 30 year old Austin based non-profit that serve LGBTQIA+ youth. At my time there, I completely revamped everything. Fundraising, volunteerism, public speaking, all of that. From the time I started to the time I left, they jumped from an operating budget of $475K to $1M.

Dzo: Wow! 

Bri: Haha, I’m really good at fundraising. I’ll talk to anyone! Most recently, I was at a tech company helping politically progressive people run for office, registering voters, etc. During all of this (COVID-19), I was furloughed.

Dzo: We’re sorry to hear that. How have you been spending your time?

Bri: Since then, I’ve just been figuring life out. It’s been a really weird blessing in disguise. I just joined ANOTHER board. I am on several here. I’ve been consulting for a couple of non-profits. When I’m not doing all/any of that, I’m focusing on my podcast, The Tea with Bri, which is such a fun project. My guests get to bring the topic, because I can talk about anything. I started the podcast as a platform for deep, vulnerable, meaningful conversations, which tend to dwindle once we settle into comfortable friendships with the people we love. So, yeah. I thinnnk that’s everything?

Dzo: Wow. Can we just take a pause. We want to thank you for doing ALL THAT GOOD WORK. It’s not easy. It can sometimes be a thankless job. People like you do this work because they love it. Finding homes for people, finding support, providing love, providing support. I want to thank you for that, alone. If we didn’t have people like you, we wouldn’t be seeing the start of a change that we are seeing today. 

Bri: Thank you! I appreciate that.

Dzo: How did you stumble upon us and Austin Will Thrive?

Bri: My friend Cody is a part of Austin Gay Men’s Chorus and he posted the shirt, he ordered one! I was like “I need that shirt!” He told me where to get it, from y’all!

I love the Austin Will Thrive message. It stands for how I feel about Austin and why I fell in love with this city in the first place.

Dzo: Yes! We love Cody! And we work with AGMC, we developed their brand and continue to donate our services to help them reach a larger audience. We love AGMC!

Check out the article from AllConnect: LGBTQ youth resources: Bridging the digital divide

Bri: Yes, they’re great, he’s great! So, with COVID, it’s been so cool to see how Austin has responded. We’ve all continued to support these local, small businesses. So, because of that, I love the Austin Will Thrive message. It stands for how I feel about Austin and why I fell in love with this city in the first place. And the shirt got attention. Especially when I marched at Houston-Tillotson. People were like, “Where did you get that shirt?!”

Dzo: We love it! Speaking of small businesses in Austin, where are some of your favorite local spots?


Bri: Oh man. Favorite restaurant, Buenos Aires on E 6th. Favorite music venue? Ahhh, I really love ACL Fest, cliche as it sounds. The 3-mile loop at Town Lake is my favorite outdoor space. Russell, our Creative Director, is known for his unhealthy love of hamburgers, do you have a favorite burger spot in Austin? When I ate beef, my favorite hamburger was Dan’s. My go-to bar is Lustre Pearl, EAST. Not the Rainey location. I do not do Rainey! Cosmic Coffee is my favorite coffee shop, hands down. 

Dzo: What do you love most about Austin?

Bri: I love that you can talk to anyone here. I love the town I grew up in Connecticut,  it was so diverse and welcoming but lacked that southern charm. Austin just has the best of both worlds. 

Dzo: What’s next for you? 

Bri: I am 30, I just started my own consulting business, and now we just wait and see what’s next. I have a lot of opportunities and connections and I am excited to see where I am led. 

Dzo: Wow that’s exciting. Before you leave us, are there any local causes close to your heart that you’d like to share with us?

Bri: Yes! Keep Austin Fed, Austin Black Pride, New Leaders Council, Lone Star Victim Advocacy Project. All of these organizations are doing such great work, important work. The more love, the better.

Obviously, Bri is a force to be reckoned with. It’s not every day that you meet someone so special, so dynamic. Wherever she is, she will no doubt bring her good work and vibes right along with her. Follow her journey and bask in her sunshine @brionajenkins on Instagram. And be sure to check out  her podcast, The Tea with Bri.



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